
This Week's Bread: Luby's (sorta) Yeast Rolls

Finally! Some proper yeast rolls. Still not 100% what I got in school but I think that's because they buttered the tops before baking.

Also, they came out perfectly moist. I tried something different this time by mixing the dough ONLY until it all came together instead of until it was firm. I think I've been over working my bread doughs. When I try the struan bread again, I'll try mixing the dough until it JUST comes together. Might get a bigger rise doing that.

Not quite Luby's yeast rolls cause I didn't do the little mushroom cloverleaf ball thing, but THEY'RE STILL SO GOOD.

# Luby's Dinner Rolls
18 rolls

Luby's Recipes & Memories

1.3333333333333333 cups warm water
2.0 tbsp active dry yeast
0.5 cup sugar
3.0 whole eggs
4.0 tbsp butter (melted)
0.3333333333333333 cup nonfat dry milk
1.0 tsp salt
5.0 cups all-purpose flour
vegetable oil (as needed)

1 - In the bowl of an electric mixer, blend water, yeast and sugar. Set aside 5 minutes to allow yeast
mixture to become frothy.
2 - Add eggs and butter.
3 - Using the dough hook of the electric mixer, beat on medium speed until blended.
4 - Add dry milk and salt. Mix well.
5 - Add flour, one cup at a time, mixing until dough begins to pull away from sides of bowl.
6 - Leaving dough in bowl, lightly grease top of dough ball with oil.
7 - Cover loosely and let rise in a warm place 1 hour or until doubled in size.
8 - Lightly grease a muffin pan.
9 - Punch dough down and divide it evenly into the number of portions you want.
10 - Gently roll each piece into a ball and place one ball into each muffin cup.
11 - Let rise in a warm place 1 hour or until rolls have doubled in size.
12 - Preheat oven to 350°F.
13 - Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.

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@dolari those look sinful, I might have to give them a try

@Tekk - They're pretty darned good. Just a heads up that the recipe I'm posting is for about 18 rolls. I scaled it down to 6.

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