
So, tonight, we watched the movie Vibrations. A movie about a musician who loses his hands, leaves home for no real reason, makes new friends who make robot hands for him to play on keyboards. Wierd movie.

One thing it had was a lot of rave scenes in it, and, you know, they were pretty authentic. And then I thought to myself: How do you know that, Jenn? You didn't do raves back in the day.

But I did. Sort of. Back in the my university days, when I was going to college alongside Amy and Umber. She was in Amnesty International at the time, and would set up these AI fundraisers, many of which were kind of proto-raves, being very early 90s.

While it wasn't my scene, I got involved because I Had A Great Big Pick Up Truck. I usually ended up hauling giant amps to clubs, helping setup when I could, and since I wasn't too interested in dancing, I usually ended up counting folks who came in and collecting covers charges.

I think one of my longest days, where I was awake for 36 hours running errands to pick up amps and music equipment for a full day straight, then going to the show for the whole eveing, then having a very late (like 3AM) dinner at Jim's and continued to stay awake until the morning so I could drop off the amps again.

I missed out on a lot of "culture" back then. I was very worried about being involved in any scene, because I felt like a nerd and out of place, even when I was encouraged to do so. I remember talking to Amy and saying I was always worried about drugs and alcohol (to this day, I still don't drink or do drugs), and she really encouraged me to get involved anyway by calling me "Straight Edge." I think at one of the shows, she even markered my arm with the sXe Straight Edge symbol. :D

I tended to float in my own world and wasn't too interested in getting involved outside that world. But I never fully turned it down. I'd look into that world, be it punk, alternative or non-music stuff like polyamory.

It's made me very friendly to folks who you wouldn't think I would be. Steph the Punk, Amy the Grunge Queen, Fashionistas, Liberal Politicos, heck I was even a friend to the goths and the nerds. Because I was curious. And didn't make fun.

I never really found my niche. But I did find my friends.

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