
Remade the yeast rolls after finding out that I copied the recipe wrong that may have led to them being dryer than I'd like. So I remade them and...they're still dry.

But I really had to think...I think Luby's Dinner Rolls are actually kinda dry, too (my memory is fuzzy as I haven't been to one in almost half a decade). I think they're more flaky dry than bready moist. So I may be making them correctly...for Luby's.

I think I have a Threadgill's recipe I'll try next time to get a closer to school cafeteria roll.

Also, these rolls are teeny tiny since when re-did the recipe, I knocked it down to 14g carbs per roll, which is the amount I use for "snacks" (the originals were 33g).

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@dolari I remember them needing butter a lot. Logan's roadhouse has the best yeast rolls.

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