Tears of the Kingdom Post-Game Milestone:
All Korok seeds acquired! Dammit, Hestu.

Current status:
All Shrines
31 Light Roots
All Korok Seeds
All Main Quests Completed
All Side Adventures Completed
All Shrine Quests Completed
All Side Quests Completed
All Memories
All Bubbel Gems

89.92% Complete
320 Hours Played

I have missed some postings, but I'm guessing there was some some dislike of the dark?


@Sparksol - Tears of the Kingdom seriously hit several of my squicks and phobias, such as Fear of Falling, Icky Icky Poo Poo Slime and a Fear of the Dark.

I did everything on the ground first, then the sky. I'm finishing off some of the ground-level stuff before I go underground and shoot off my 999 brigthbloom seeds.

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If it hasn't already been suggested, your vehicle of choice and a giant brightbloom seed smacked on the front.
(Although you'll need to hit it right away after that to avoid it going off on its own.)

Oh, and maybe a spare dragon scale or shard so you can take more than a few steps on foot anywhere.

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