
75% of the way through the Mario Puzo 1st Draft, about hour #3 of what would be 4 hours. We're starting to see bits and pieces of Superman II, in particular Lois figuring out he's Superman and Superman powering himself down.

Superman goes to his hologram parents saying that Lois has figured out his identity, and that she has the kryptonite jacket that could hurt him. They tell him that lead should shield from from Kryptonite.

Lois again takes the lead in figuring out Clark is Superman by asking Clark to dinner that night and offering Clark the kryptonite straightjacket. What Lois doesn't know is that he's wearing a lead jacket! She's upset that Clark isn't Superman, but she confesses her love for Clark. Clark is oblivious to it (probably on purpose). They get comfy, and Clark takes his jacket off for dinner.

At the end of the evening, Clark doesn't understand Lois wants him to stay the night with her, and he decides to leave. She offers to go with him and grabs her coat. Immediately Clark keels over - while he didn't have his lead coat on, Lois put on the straight jacket under her own coat. She's figured him out.

Clark flies her to the Fortress of Solitude and Superman decides for himself to power himself down to be with her. Both Lara and Jor-El push back that he shouldn't do this (One of the few lines that exists in every draft of the movie: "We have tried to anticipate your every question. This was one we hoped you'd never ask"), but if he feels he must, instructions exist to change his molecular structure. Once done, he has ten days. If he doesn't change back in ten days, he's a human forever. If he DOES change back, he's a Kryptonian forever.

Superman depowers himself, get super drunk and in the morning, they head back to Metropolis hung over. The diner scene with the fight with the trucker happens here, although now it's three truckers demanding they get their booth back after it's given to Clark and Lois.

Luthor decides he's going to pull off three incredible feats of evil, but only let's out the first: He's going to kill the new Pope. The four reporters, Lois, Clark, Olsen and Lombard, go to report on what seems to be the Popes coronation. Kent realizes something is wrong and pushes the Pope out of the way, and the bullet meant to kill him hits one of Luthor's henchmen. Kent is pleased that he can still be heroic without his powers but Lois is scared for him as he's not superhuman any longer.

At the seven and five days left mark, Lois asks if Kent is fine still not being superman, and Kent says he is. Edge decides to send all four to a military base to report on the new H-Bomb being built there, but to also get a side angle on radiation sickness without the army knowing. It'll be a five day stint where they can't leave the base.

Just as they get there, Luthor and Eve arrive disguised as army soldiers.

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