This Week's Treat: Chocolate Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream.

So, something that's wierd about me is that when I'm on estrogen, I hate chocolate "flavored" stuff (things like chocolate cereals, chocolate ice creams). When I'm off hormones, I love it. I figured if I made the chocolate myself, I'd be able to control that wierd taste problem. This tastes just like those chocolates I hate...which means it probably tastes pretty good to everyone else. :)

Note to self: Heshey's Cocoa is NOT Dutch Processed Cocoa, nor is it Dark Chocolate, do that next time.

# Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Sweet Fix Baker

2.0 cups heavy whipping cream (chilled)
14.0 ounces sweetened condensed milk
2.0 tsp vanilla extract
0.5 tsp salt
0.5 cup dutch processed cocoa powder
0.5 cup dark chocolate chunks

1 - Freeze your whisk and a metal bowl for at least ten minutes.
2 - Beat the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
3 - Add condensed milk, vanilla, salt, and cocoa powder and mix until well incorporated.
4 - Fold the chopped chocolate with a rubber spatula until evenly spread throughout the ice cream.
5 - Place the mixture in an airtight container or a pan, sprinkle with more chopped chocolate, cover and freeze for 8 hours or overnight.

@dolari So interesting. I've never been a huge fan of chocolate, even actively disliked it a bit... until I descended into perimeno- and menopause, at which time I gradually acquired an active taste for it. Then I started HRT and boom. Couldn't give a crap about chocolate again!

*takes a brief look at the science*

Yep, hormones play a big role in food cravings!


@anne - Yeah, it blows my mind that changing hormones changed my taste buds. Just the wierd little things that a chemical changes in big way....

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