
I kinda pride myself on being able to eat the same thing for a while. It halps me stick to diets and carb counts and what not.

The week before last, I made a few changes to my diet that restricted my calories and carbs even further down. I did this as a tradeoff where Saturdays and Holidays I eat whatever I want and don't count anything. But after last week's injection and the huge spike in my blood sugar I got from it, I pushed my cheat day to Monday.

But I also forgot that I have an endocrinologist appointment on Tuesday, so so I can't go crazy on Monday. But I can after Tuesday. Then I remembered I have blood work on Wednesday, which is a 24 hour fast, which means I won't really have that cheat day until Thursday.

And let me tell you, I am getting a little tired of sausage links and salad for two out of my three meals per day for almost two weeks straight.

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