This week for #WebcomicTalk I would like everyone to share their latest comic update as a reply to this toot and have everyone boost the shared updates to their own feeds, and/or leave a comment.

Everyone can use the pick-me-up once in a while and we can spread the word about our #comics. So, keep an eye on the replies here, boost some comics, and drop some kind words if you can this week!

I would love to do this every other week.

#webcomics #indieComic #mastoArt #amWriting


@webcomictalk - So, my latest updates are actually fairly old. My latest comic, "A Wish for Wings" updated only a few months ago, which is quick for me. The more popular one, "Closetspace" was last updated 2021.

I don't consider them dead, but my updates are tied to my physical and mental health these days (I've been dealing with a pinched nerve and eyesight issues since 2011).

A Wish for Wings:

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