
So, did The Rapture happen? Are they all gone now?

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@dolari was there some particular reason it was supposed to be tonight?

@irenes - Apparently? I don't hang around in those circles, but there was a lot of Rapture Talk on the net.

@dolari huh.

it would be so weird figuring out how to feel about it afterward, wouldn't it?

@irenes - Frankly if it took away the people who talk about it, I'd likely be a lot happier.

@dolari we're pretty sure true believers are quite rare though

so it'd be like, oh, 0.1% of humanity just disappeared, that's really weird, what did they all have in common? ... oh. huh. does that mean they were right? what are we supposed to do with that information?

@irenes - I'm talking less "actual" and more "personal fantasy of getting rid of all the people who are trying to make my life illegal." Tis a dream I have.

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