
Second Cheat Day Meal: Espagueti Verde

From the first moment I saw this I wanted it. Spaghetti. Cream Poblano Sauce. Cilantro topping. What's not to like?

Turns out - the whole thing.

The sauce is simply far too thick for this spaghetti and it's a chewy mess warm and "chewing a block of coagulated sauce and pasta" as it cools. It's not bad tasting. It's just...a texture nightmare. I thought maybe I did it wrong, so I watched the video where I got the recipe from, and no, it's just as thick there, too.

It took me an hour to make, two bites to not like, and I'm glad I had some of the flat bread left over cause that's what I ended up eating.

Not even sharing the recipe, it's that bad. You want it, it's at

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