Saturday's Texas Adventure, Part 4.

From Segovia, I went to Old Noxville. This is in a pretty remote part of the Texas Hill Country, being on a dirt road, off a rarely traveled farm road, off a rarely traveled US highway, off the freeway. It's as isolated as it gets in the Hill Country


Noxville was founded in the 1870s as essentialy a fort keeping the local setlers protected from ther native Comanche, Apaches an Kiowas. In the 1880s, a post office, store and school were created for the local ranching community, all of which still exist. The school is used for voting, the store and post office are now a private residence.

This is also the location of Jenn's "Secret Place." This was a place I would dissappear to when things were really bad and I needed (1) thinking time on the drive out here (about 2 hourw from Austin) (2) needed a calm cool place to relax for an hour more and (3) more thinking time on the drive home.



The Secret Place was a small grassy area under large oaks next to a lake on the Devil's River. It was quiet You could only hear the wind, the birds and the water. It was isolated. It was private property, to be sure, but far enough away that unless you were visting the cemetery, no one would know you were there. And most of all isolated.

I'm revealing this place now cause I doubt I'll be coming back soon. Yes, there's the trans stuff going on in Texas, but honestly, I think more people knew about this place than me. WAAAY more No Tresspassing signs since I was here last. Probably got tired of my sitting out here thinking.


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