
Really frustrated by the job hunt. Eleven months now, and my savings is draining. I've put in well over 125 resumes, only had five interviews and the rest is all rejections or ghosting.

I've rewritten it, had a professional resume service rewrite it, had the unemployment agent rewrite it, and now I rewite it again for every job I apply for (which is no easy task).

When I got laid off, I kinda banked on being out of work for two years based on my time in the dot com crash, but I'm starting to see folks getting work. Is the job market still really ugly? Or is it me: a near-50 year old woman trying to get work in tech?

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@dolari I'm not doing terribly great, either - both of the interviews I've gotten turned out to be call centers pretending to be something else, for MLM healthcare schemes. It's deeply frustrating.

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