
This Week's Thanksgiving Dessert: Blueberry Banana Cream Pie

One of mom's specialities. Super easy to make, and very tasty. Had a wierd issue where my blender kind of refused to actually, you know, blend it all (it wouldn't mix the whipped just kinda stayed on top like oil and water no matter how I "pushed it down"). But after some stirring it all incorporated.

# Blueberry Banana Cream Pie

2.0 pies

2.0 whole deep dish pie shells
8.0 oz cream cheese
2.0 whole bananas
1.25 cups powdered sugar
18.0 oz whipped topping
21.0 oz blueberry pie filling

1 - Brown Pie Shells
2 - Blend cheese, bananas, sugar together until well blended.
3 - Add whipped topping gradually while continuing to blend.
4 - Pour the mixture into pie shells.
5 - Refrigerate at least two hours.
6 - Pour pie filling over pies before serving.

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