
This Week's Bread: Sadie's Bruschetta

A nice bread dish that's good hot, but sadly, doesn't keep well. Still tasty,'s no longer crunchy toasty.

I'd go with slightly less red onion, or slightly more salt (which is to taste, anyways). Never sure about that when dealing with red reaction to red onion is pretty strong for some reason.

# Sadie's Bruschetta

Cooking with JB & Jamie

1.0 whole tomato (diced)
0.5 whole red onion (diced)
10.0 leaves basil (chopped)
1.0 tbsp garlic (minced)
salt (to taste)
olive oil
1.0 whole loaf french bread
1.0 pound fresh mozzarella (sliced)
balsamic reduction

1 - Mix together tomato, onion, basil, garlic and salt.
2 - Let the mixture marinate in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes (we recommend one hour or more) to bring out the best flavor.
3 - Spread a little olive oil on slices of French bread.
4 - Toast bread and cut into squares.
5 - Place toasted bread on a platter and top with mozzarella.
6 - Top with a spoonful of tomato mixture and drizzle with balsamic reductions.

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