
So, while this isn't one of those outfits I mentioned as one of my "more feminine" outfits that I wear in Second Life, if I WANTED to wear roman robes in front of my long-gone pickup truck at a picnic blanket, I CAN, and no one will bat an eye at it.

In fact, this is one of the more boring looks in Second Life. ;)

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@dolari Robin Wood's quilt ftw
tbh once you know Melanippe (who represents the Ancient Roman community) & have co-captained a time traveling / tinies mashup RFL team a toga in front of a pickup is pretty par for the course.
As long as this wasn't on some tiny island where some people put their garages & land vehicles I'm not likely to grumble :)

@dolari I'm often wearing something similar! I think I broke one playing with PBR texture on it tho lol (it's ok it's full perm and I never use the original to play with texture)

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