
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same....

@dolari Ent D, Reliant, TOS Ent, Vulcan courier shuttle, Klingon warbird, Ent B, thrawn's star destroyer??, V'Ger ship, orange thing?, someone's xwing?, DS9, some kind of blockade runner?, Ent refit with red bussard collectors?, D7, Regula 1 station

@cubeyterra - The "orange thing," "someone's X-Wing," "Some king of Blockade Runner," are the Star Wars Colin Cantwell concept versions of the Landspeeder, X-Wing and Millenium Falcon.

The Enterprise refit with red bussard collectors is the Enterprise from the aborted 1978 Phase II TV Show, one of my favorite designs. :)

@dolari Oh, nice. I didn't know the landspeeder concept was so much different from the finished design.

And I feel bad about not spotting the Phase II Ent. That would be fun to make.

@cubeyterra - Yeah, it's a bit of a mystery to me. If you look at the Ralpha MacQuarrie landspeeder concept art, it's pretty close to what we got in the movie. Colin's concept models worked off that, but his landspeeder is SUPER different for some reason.

@dolari Honestly, it doesn't LOOK fast, which is its primary purpose in the movie.

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