
An early Christmas present from mom, some leather scrunch boots.

I bought my suede ones MANY years ago in Austin, where it was sunny more than rainy. Sadly, when I moved back to Seattle, the rain was pretty bad for the poor things. They got little wear here.

Mom wanted me to get some leather boots for the weather. She didn't want me to get scrunch boots cause "they're out of style." Well...I don't care. I spent 26 years wearing stuff I didn't want, I'm going to wear EXACTLY what I want. 🙂

I'd hope they were here in time for the City Council meeting last week, which was an important one for me. But they weren't (and it was literally pouring rain, we got something like five inches over that week, and we're STILL flooding through town), which is why I wore those flats.

Oddly, I found the EXACT SAME boots in leather as my suede ones, so I'm very happy. I love my suedes, I'm hoping to love the leathers, as well, wear them a little more often than my suedes.

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