
Thoughts Before Bed:

So, I tend to wear sneakers all the time. I don't really wear flats: I mentioned the issue I have with flats where my right shoe wants to fall off cause it's smaller than my left to the point that the shoe tends to be a bit big on it, despite fitting my left foot.

I also don't wear heels. I'm already five seven, I don't need to be taller and the other thing you're going to hear the moment I put on heels are my ankles going SNAP. I've sprained my ankle getting out of bed, and the air-splints I use to keep those ankles straight in rough terrain don't go with many outfits where you'd wear heels.

But I do wear boots cause they fit both my feet, and you can get them in low heels and they tend to have good ankle support.

Outside of the sneakers, there's something about wearing women's shoes/boots, though, for me that really changes how I walk. Not sure if it's ME, or the shoe.

When I wear either of them, I have to walk with a much shorter stride. If I don't, I began scuffing and eventually wearing down the very back of the heel cause I "land" on that, instead of the backish part of the ball of my heel.

I've always wondered if that's the shoe or me. When I first transitioned, and Steph was coaching me on being more feminine, one thing she noticed was I walked with a really long stride. She'd constantly tell me to shorten it up to pass better.

I don't think that ever really took. I walk how I walk, you know? I don't think about it, I just do it. But it does make me wonder - do women walk with smaller strides because of physiology? Or cause the shoes are designed to make you stride..."smallerly?" Brain won't give me a better word than that, so "smallerly" it is.

I've read physiological stuff that says women do take shorter strides because of hip width, but also seen women saying it's the shoes that do it. As someone who (1) has almost NEGATIVE hips, and (2) walks fine in women's sneakers, I never figured out which it would be.

Not that I need to find out. Just an observation I've made that's probably going to bother me as I fall asleep tonight. :)

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