
Given my terrible early exposure to the Furry community in the 90s, I gotta say, they ended up being amazing allies in my later years.

(Art by Hellbreakfast)

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@dolari for sure. we remember old fiction websites which were primarily furry-oriented but also had gender as, like, another category of thing that a person can be. it was a remarkably freeing way to see it.

@dolari I guess all communities have a range of personalities, but I don't know that I've ever met a furry who's been cruel or bigoted. I've certainly met a lot who are kind and thoughtful, though!

@ZebraFeatherAH - My first experience was someone in a position of power over me as I was trying to break into the comics industry.

Basically, he kept pushing my Sci-Fi pitch towards Furry Porn. I made a few changes, a few which stuck, but when he kept pushing towards making it more porn than story, I walked away, and never did break end up breaking into the industry.

The stereotypes going around then didn't help matters any. It wasn't until a friend I thought was really cool told me they were Furry that I finally said "Well, they're cool, maybe they all are."

And yeah, turns out they are...

@dolari Ahh, that sucks so bad! I'm sorry you had to deal with such a tool...

I'm glad you're still making rad comics, anyway, tho!

@ZebraFeatherAH - Not my art...I didn't expect this to go viral here, so I updated the art tag. It was originally something I found floating around unattributed on Facebook.

I am making comics, though - just....incredibly slowly. :)

@dolari we had some growing up to do, but we did the work.

@gothodile @dolari Still have work to do, really. But getting there.

@dolari @TundraWolf
The nice thing is that you don’t even have to be furry for the Furries to support you.

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