
This Week's Plain Jane Meal #1: Chicken Guillet

I've been showing you all my fancy foods, but really my "Fancy Pants" meals are just one of four meals I make for the week. Usually my first is just the bread I baked. And depending on what protien is in the Fancy Pants Meal I make some simple meals using Beef, Chicken or Pork, whichever isn't in the Fancy Pants Meal.

Today it's "Chicken Guillet" named after the first meal Lissa Guillet ever taught me, as it's super easy to make, and really good to boot. It's so simple, I'm not even gonna give you a detailed recipe. You just don't need it.

Grab some chicken (I use boneless thighs), add salt, pepper, paprika and cayenne pepper to taste (I tend to do 10 parts salt, 5 parts pepper, and 3 parts paprika and cayenne), and fry in a pan till done.

That's it. Simple, easy, and really tasty. I usually eat it with a banana or a side-salad because of my dietary restrictions.

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