
A wonderful Christmas Dinner with Crystal, Lissa, Noam and Seanan. A night full of good talk, good food and...well...something else on the menu.

And yes, we did eat it. Goes good with strawberries. And by good I mean...well...the strawberries were good.

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@dolari at least you are it before it went bad... What on earth possessed you?

@Orb2069 - it was actually a white elephant gift Crystal got at work, and surprised us with before dinner. I've always said that if some culture out there eats something, I'll try it at least once. So I put my money, and the tarantula, where my mouth was.

Surprisingly, it's not terrible. It's not good either. Like eating a mouthful of shrimp shells, minus the shrimp taste. In fact, it was completely tasteless. Pure texture. I ate some with a strawberry that was on the table and was surprised it wasn't bad. Crystal agreed that with SOME kind of flavor it could probably be good. I'd say if it was maybe brined in salt, or had a light salt crust, I'd eat it as a snack.

@dolari @Orb2069 I really want curried tarantula ever since I saw it on some travel show. But I guess it makes sense they're just crunchy nothing plain, like an unseasoned crab or shrimp I guess

I imagine people don't have the taste receptors to taste spiders properly.

@Orb2069 what eats crustacean and related arthropods? Whales? Dolphin? Probably lots of kinds of fish?

@Alairthephoenix don't look at me, I just work here - and not in the cafeteria!

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