
Question for the bakers out there.

I've been trying to make cinnamon rolls for a while now, and except for one time, they've all come out like this...where the rolls swell, but only at the bottom and they come out less like rolls and more like "mounds."

Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong here? The bread is good, and the rolls are tasty...they're just shaped badly.


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When I do rolls I place them closer together in the pan, and when they rise they seem to push against each other and rise up together.

@dolari I think they might just be "too tall" and cutting them into shorter lengths might help. Mum was always great at making cinnamon buns and that is the main difference that I see.

Or perhaps because they are spaced apart they don't have as much "support" from each other...Mum always spaced them closer so by the time they were done baking they would grow into each other. They wouldn't have as much crust on the sides as a result as they would need to be peeled apart but they would be more bun/roll shaped.

Also because I live at a kind of high altitude and need to bake without gluten I have to adjust baking times and temperatures...but that probably isn't it.

Hope that helps!

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