
Why Jenn Keeps Meticulous Backups:

So one of the things I've been doing is copying my CD-ROMs to ISO files and away from the proprietary MDF/MDS files that aren't always usable in Linux. However, ISO isn't good for CD-ROMs that are a mix of Data and Music. So I used Alcohol 120% to rip those to a BIN/CUE pair.

Today I got nostalgic for some DOS gaming, only to find that every BIN/CUE file's music was ripped wrong. A few web searches later and it turns out that Alcohol 120% has had a long term glitch where BIN/CUE files don't rip accurately.

Rather than re-rip the discs again, I loaded up my archive from 2022 (and then 2021 when the files I needed weren't in 2022), and pulled the original MDF/MDS files from the archive.

The files work in the DOSBox application I use, so I can just keep those files as is. Quick and easy recovery because I kept multiple backups. :)

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