
So, in a recent Street Fighter stream, and few times before, I got some comments from overly competetive folks that called me a joke because I had problems playing Street Fighter on a Sega GamePad layout. (Chill, my dudes)

The main reason is I was always a Super Nintendo gal. Thirty years of Muscle Memory is keyed to that setup, which is totally not the Sega way.

But there's another setup I'm not only good at, I'm even BETTER than a Super Nintendo control pad, and that's a Keyboard. Arrow keys, and 123 for punches and QWE for kicks. I played SSF2T PC so much, as well as all the testing I did for SFJenn all through the 90s ( ), that my fingers can play SF2 just as well as anyone with just keys.

In fact, I'm BETTER at the game on keys than gamepads from all that work.

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