
So, a couple of things I'm noticing as I rip more and more of my DVD collection to a media server...

There's something going on with newer DVDs. My Babylon 5 discs died REAL quick, but that appears to be an issue with the place that produced the discs.

But other discs, mostly those made in the last five or so years, are just dead after one viewing. My copies of Dune, The Greatest American Hero, and even that Tron disc? All have disc read errors. Completely clean surfaces, not a scratch on them.

But discs from the early 2000s? And earlier? Scratched up to hell and back. But still work fine. And even if they don't, I have a drive from that same era that usually can pull the data off without errors. Something's changed in how discs are manufactured.

Also something I noticed? Old DVD player games. A lot of my Early 2000s discs had games you could play on the disc player and your remote. Adorable.

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