
Watched some TV with a friend today, and the audio on my old headphones cut out pretty badly. So I connected my bluetooth headphones, and forgot that the bluetooth on this PC is horrid (seriously, you put the bluetooth on the BACK of the PC, knowing full well the PC itself is blocking the signal?!).

Between this and the stylus dying, I kinda had enough, and decided to do some serious rejiggering of the PC stations.

First off, waste not want not, I took the pen display and just made it a secondary monitor. I can run movies on it while working on stuff here. For the bluetooth, I took the USB extender and an old Bluetooth dongle, and plugged it into the PC, disabling the onboard Bluetooth.

Everything seems to be working now, and now I can crowd the hell out of TWO screens.

Bluetooth works now, and a new pen display is coming. We'll see how that is coming. I'm not happy about having to drop a lot of money on it, but a friend helped finance it, so I'm grateful. :)

My room is a wreck, though....

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