Wierd thing I noticed. When I was working and had to wake up at 7AM or earlier, I had to take a nap at lunch. No questions. At Nintendo, I went into my car to sleep. At Tableau, I booked the quiet room and slept in there.

A year and a half of sleeping when I wanted to, I noticed I don't need a nap in the middle of the "day." I'm awake the entire time.

These last few days, the closer my wake up time got to 7AM, to more and more I fought taking a nap. Today, yesterday and the day before, I couldn't even fight it. I had to stop and take a nap.

All the more reason why I think the 9 to 5 work day just isn't what my metabolism wants.

@dolari I have tried for years but my brain will never adjust no matter how long I try to keep it. I always feel basically dead by 6


@Alairthephoenix - I actually have a diagnosis of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. Doesn't mean much but at least I have a reason.

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