
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Zuni Succotash

The last week and change I've had to do without meal prep and lemme tell you, I'm feeling it. Thankfully., I bought all of the ingredients last week, so this week's grocery bill was small.

This is essentially a mix between a vegetable medley and a beef stew. TONS of veggies in it, too, and as a fan of kernel corn, I'm really happy with this. It also feels like a lot of food per serving, while feeling like a light meal.

I am sure I've seen mom make something akin to this....

# Zuni Succotash

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking

1.0 pound beef (cut into small pieces)
2.0 tbsp vegetable oil
1.0 cup chopped onions
1.0 tbsp chili powder
2.0 cups tomatoes (diced)
2.0 cups corn kernels
2.0 cups green beans (cut into 2 inch lengths)
2.0 tbsp sunflower seeds (hulled) (crushed)

1 - If using canned tomatoes, drain the diced tomatoes.
2 - Pat meat dry so it will brown properly.
3 - Heat the oil in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat.
4 - Add meat, onion, and chili and sauté until meat is lightly browned and onion is softened.
5 - Stir in tomatoes, corn, and beans and reduce the heat to low.
6 - Simmer for about 15 minutes, until meat is cooked and vegetables are tender.
7 - Stir in crushed sunflower seeds and season with salt and pepper.
8 - Simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes, until succotash has thickened.

4 servings at 400 carbs per serving
Calories 478
Total Fat 21g
Total Carbohydrate 28g
Protein 36g

Normally yields 4 to 6 servings.

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@dolari Just tried the Zuni Succotash recipe, folks, and let me tell you, it's the GREATEST meal ever! A magnificent blend of veggies and beef, like nothing you've ever tasted. So much better than what Sleepy Joe or Phony Kamala could ever cook up. It's a YUGE win for anyone who loves real food. Basement Biden probably can't even boil water! This succotash? Spectacular, marvelous, the finest. Don't settle for Nasty Nikki's or Goofy Elizabeth Warren's cooking. Make America Cook Again! #MAGA

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