
Thoughts Before Bed

After 17 years of Second Life in the third person, am I ready to try a metaverse in the first person? Lots to think about on that. It's one thing to spend that time in a third person camera on a screen. It's another to look out of those eyes in VR glasses.

I'm genuinely worried it'll be dissapointing, and also genuinely worried that I'll like it too much. And kind of expensive to take that gamble, too with all the hardware. But I've been told by a friend that he got what he needed out of it. I might, too.

Decisions, decisions....

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Interesting. I keep hoping that somebody would create a VR SL client, but making that work smoothly without a keyboard would be a nightmare - and audio chat there is such a train wreck....

I've got a Rift S, (cheap, nearish EOL)if you have questions

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