
@Mondobizarrro - Yes, and no. The animation is Filmation of the 1970s. It's SUPER simple and in many cases hard on the eyes. But at the same time, it's what animation in the 1970s looked like.

The stories, though, are for the most part, great. The production team was very big on "This is Season 4 of The Original Series, and we will treat it as such" and didn't dumb it down for a kiddie audience. It is simply 30 minutes Star Trek: The Original Series as a cartoon.

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@dolari well yeah its a 5-10 year difference in animation. And it probably has less budget too since the 70s economy was shit and the 80s economy wasnt
@dolari 70s animation can be great but most of the time its not. For every castle of cagloostro theres a million astroganger running animations/ ginguiser mech tf sequence.

Is it low hanging fruit to make fun of studio knack and a no budget 70s anime that tries to give you a seizure harder than gaogaigar?
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