
Minor panic when I got multiple alerts of credit card fraud on ALL my credit cards. I got one cancelled, but the second one pushed back - but since I was a phone operator, I decided to actually look into what she was saying before pushing back...

Turns out, it WASN'T fraud at all. It was Amazon Prime charging my card for a subscription (which I was never alerted about otherwise I'd at least KNOW what it was), and because my first credit card flagged it as fraud, and declined the charge...Amazon simply went down the line of cards on the account. All of which marked it as fraud.

At least I know what happened, and, you know, actually listening to the operator instead of immediately pushing back fixed things. Sometimes we're right, you know. :)

So I'm down one credit card, but at the same time, I'll be in Texas where that bank is, and get a replacement there.

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