
I've never been against announcing your pronouns, I've just never seen it as necessary...until last night.

Before, I would always give my pronouns (she/her) if asked. If a policy asked me to add them to emails or titles I did. Outside of that, I just assumed that if people wanted to know my pronouns, they'd (1) ask, or (2) I'd correct them when wrong.

However, last night, while in Resonite, my voice changer wasn't working so I had my deeper voice, attached to this female avatar, and...I got a lot of they/them. And it sat oddly with me.

I mean, if someone misgenders me as male, I immediately correct them. This time...they were TRYING not to assume, but still got it wrong. And They/Them just sat wrong with me.

So I'm on board with announcing those pronouns now. Trying to find a way to add them to my nameplate in Resonite (and elsewhere). :)

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