
It's funny how the mind plays tricks on you, changes your preceptions. You interpret your place in the world, and create memories from what you do in life. And even those memories are interpretations that can change over time.

I was running around some of my old haunts back in Texas. There was one spot where I got out and walked around the street I grew up on. Memories upon memories upon memories.

And in them, I'm a young girl.

I mean, I've always mentally been a girl. But physically, not so much. Not until 1997, and these are memories from the mid 80s. I see those memories of Dave and me, Steph and me, friends and me. And in each one, I'm a girl. But in the pictures, which are a bit more concrete than memory, I'm not.

I wonder if any other transfolks have these "re-written" memories.

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