
Thoughts Before Bed

I created this Second Life Avatar almost ten years ago. I felt lost in Second Life, very much a ghost of my former self, and to take back that world, I fed into it. If I felt like a ghost, I would BE a ghost.

I haven't put on that avatar in a long time, mainly because in the last few years, I've not felt lost, not felt like I was haunting, didn't feel like a shell of my former self. And in fact, the new brunette avvie you see feels more like me now than I felt then.

But today I put it on, not because I felt lost, but because I wanted to explore, and she was always the avatar I used to "haunt the grid" and explore. And for once...she a happy avatar. Not haunting, not sad, not lost. Just an explorer who happened to be a ghost.

Her original purpose is gone, but maybe there's new purpose for her now.

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