
Okay, The Devil's Chord was absolutely great. Jinx Monsoon actually was pretty amazing as Maestro. And I'm loving the idea that Maestro and Toymaker are these demigod creatures. Her campiness just fed straight into the Toymaker's from his previous episode.

When I saw the original 1965 Toymaker episode, he came across less as another Time Lord as it was implied he was, but as a demigod in control of his own little pocket dimension. Looks like RTD is really playing that demigod idea up. I hope we see more of these demigods.

But...that extended ending was a bit much and really set that episode back quite a bit for me. If there's anything that's going to ruin this season of Dr Who it's the RTD levels of camp and self-referential winks and nods. Ending the show at the "there's always a twist at the end" would have made me far happier than the five minutes we got after that.

But good show. Pity about that ending.

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