This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Hamloaf

I'm not a fan of meatloaf. Just doesn't taste good to me. But ham loaf? Something about using ham makes it better on every level. And Dean's hamloaf is some of the best hamloaf I ever had.

I have one of his mom's cookbooks and found a hamloaf recipe in it, hoping it would be the same, I decided to make it. It's not, but this recipe is pretty good.

Dean's had a sugary glaze and not a tomato one, and as far I know, no fruit. Seeing mango in a recipe from Central Pennsylvania, in the late 60s, was surprising. It adds a nice subtle sweetness to the hamloaf. Not the sugary glaze of Dean's, but still really good.

Still, it's a recipe from a mom somewhere, and comes with the usual caveats of the writer assuming you know how to put everything together (it never mentions to peel the mango, and to "cook until done." I've updated the recipe a bit to make sure it's more complete.

# Ham Loaf

Sure Cures for Hunger

1.5 pounds smoked ham (ground)
1.5 pounds ham (ground)
2.0 whole eggs
1.0 whole mango (chopped) (peeled)
None None parsley
1.5 cups bread crumbs
10.75 oz tomato soup (canned)

1 - Mix together the ground pork, eggs, mango, parsley, bread crumbs and 1/2 of the tomato soup.
2 - Form into loaf inside a bread pan.
3 - Baste with other half of tomato.
4 - Bake at 350F until the internal temperature of the loaf hits 160F.

Yields 5 servings at ~37.5 g carbs per serving.
Calories 496
Total Fat 12g
Total Carbohydrate 40g
Protein 53g

@dolari I have never heard of mango in a loaf but it makes sense! The sweet would temper the salt of the ham, it sounds nice


@Alairthephoenix - I wonder how it would taste with pineapple! That citric acidiness would be fantasting witht he pork.

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