
I find it funny that twenty years ago, one side of the population was all "Harry Potter is Satanic" and the other side was "It's a charming kids story" and twenty years later the sides switched pretty hard.

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@dolari i dont think the sides would have swapped if jk rowling wasnt a massive transphobic pos. But i still see a good chunk of libs who just still consume that crap guilt free. Id rather them not keep trying to fund a massive transphobic pos but thats just me ig

@Mondobizarrro - Oh yeah. There was GOOD reason for the flip.

Wish some folks would just give it up, though.

@dolari it's covered in terf slime now, I can't bear to look at it anymore. I don't think I ever will, it's been a solid year since I stripped it wholesale out of my life, and I still get a little nauseous when I see it.

@Alairthephoenix @dolari
Shaun's video left me feeling kinda embarrassed I didn't spot how awful she was sooner - she really did just leave it hanging out for everybody to see.


It’s important to penetrate new markets when the old ones are drying up.  Full marks for strategy.

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