
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Meatballs Niezgocki

I has this at a Christmas LGBT Potluck last year, and it was FANTASTIC to the point I had to seek out who made it and grab the recipe. Turns out, it's SUPER simple with one exception: You need a crock pot.

I don't have one, and seeing as this was the first time I needed one, I don't really need to get one. But I did need to find a substitute. After finding a site that told you how to "convert" crock pot instructions to dutch oven instructions, I ended up burning the heck out of them last week.

This week, though, I just followed the crock pot instructions instead of the conversion, and they came out GREAT. They're a bit of a carb-bomb, though, so be careful. :)

# Meatballs Niezgocki

Lindsey Niezgocki
16.0 servings

26.0 oz frozen meatballs
18.0 oz Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce
15.0 oz grape jelly

1 - Whisk the jam and BBQ sauce until it has a smooth consistency.
2 - Add the meatballs to a crock pot, or a Dutch oven.
3 - Pour in the jam/BBQ sauce.
4 - If using a crock pot, set to high. If using a Dutch oven, preheat your oven to 225F before putting it in.
5 - Cook in a crock pot or oven for 6 hours.
6 - Put the meatballs in their serving plates.
7 - Whisk the sauce to recombine, and drizzle on meatballs.

Makes 16 (Jenn-safe) servings at ~37.5g per serving.
Calories 262
Total Fat 9g
Total Carbohydrate 36g
Protien 7g

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@dolari Pretty much dessert, for sure. But it sounds delicious, in small doses. I'd be inclined to try subbing apricot jam for the grape jelly.

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