
After a few of Colin Baker's ultra-violent ultra-dark Doctor Who stories, I walked away from Doctor Who. I didn't really plan to come back, but I got pulled back in by a friend who promised me "it got so much better."

I'm glad this was the season I came back to the show. If I'd come back in Season 24, I probably wouldn't have stuck around - it's far too campy and Sylvester McCoy is too goofy. But Season 25 and 26 he plays goofy, sure, but there's a layer of sinister that shows up. And in Season 26, he'd sold me as MY Doctor.

And maybe Ace helped a lot with that. Their relationship wasn't just Doctor and Companion, they were a genuine team. And she was someone who pushed back, something companions rarely did.
There is some good stuff here and Season 26.

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@dolari McCoy's Doctor is possibly the nastiest of the lot, and really showed off the dark side of the Doctor at times, willing to do whatever he had to in order to win. And then other times, yeah, very goofy.

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