
Something I've been looking forward tor talking about fo some time....

[Eastside Seattle Area]

August 25th from 3PM to 6PM, we're having Pride Across The Bridge's first Trans and Non-Binary Swim Meet!

It's summer, the sun is beating down on you, the air is warm, and it's hot in the shade. You know what sounds good right about now? A nice dip in a pool. But that's not something the trans and non-binary members of the community always feel safe doing. The Trans and Non-Binary Swim Meet is here to help!

Dive into an afternoon of swimming in a safe, private and supportive setting. Sliding scale tickets for this whale of a time are available at, and the location will be sent to you with your ticket.

We hope to see you there mer-friends!

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.