
Macross: Do You Remember Love

I've seen this movie many many times, but never on the big screen. For her 40th anniversary, I decided to fix that (even if it was a virtual big screen).

I saw this for the first time in 1988, and while Macross wasn't my first anime (I got bit by the bug in 1978 with Battle of the Planets), it's one of the more important ones to me.

The movie really hit different after I transitioned. It's certainly a product of it's time and culture. While the main protagonist has a journey from being a mysogynist jerk to someone who cares about the women around him, Misa/Lisa's journey is harder to take...that all she needs for happiness is to find a love and become a homemaker (however temporary).

It's still an amazingly lovely animated movie, and I wish we'd get movies with this style of animation in the US. The only ones I can really think of like this are Heavy Metal and the 1984 Transformers Movie....

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