
I get the criticism of Biden. But boy oh boy do I feel like there's a whole bunch of MAGA fascists that are just itching to convince democrats that they don't need to vote against their newly SCOTUS-christened God-King.

Like, don't get me wrong, I don't particularly love Biden and would prefer someone else on the left to be the next president, but I feel like there's a chorus of people ready to jump on the slightest hint of badness and push a narrative of "It's all bad! So don't vote!"



@pandora_parrot - I'm much the same way. I want to see anyone else but Biden in office, but I'm voting for him regardless. On top of that, I DON'T want him to drop out, despite me wanting someone else in office.

This is a conversation we should have been having a year ago. Not four months from an election.

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