I am going to be honest. I despise #nationalism in all its forms, from flag-waving at sports games to all of the hate and vitriol that comes from political nationalism.

It makes me nervous, because in my nearly 45 years, I've only ever seen nationalism lead to bad stuff.

I run in the other direction.

And if you don't know me personally that might be a surprise, because after all, one of my alter egos in the #furry fandom is the over-the-top @QueenieDeerhart, a very loud, slightly brash British time-traveling #steampunk Border Collie who is... very proud of her heritage (although she's actually Scottish).

But Queenie, as much as I adore her, is an over-the-top act designed to ridicule nationalism and classism.

Because I do, absolutely, abhor nationalism and classism.


@Aminorjourney @QueenieDeerhart - I used to have a character on Social MEdia called The Emperatrix of the People's Democratic Socialist Federated Republic of Texas (Reformed) who made fun of Texas Politics.

Then things got too scary to make fun of. I miss her.

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