
Parentalpocalypse Day 10: The Mother-Daughter Day.

Day began very VERY early with a breakfast at Sultan Bakery up in Sultan with Crystal, Lissa and a certain corgi pup. It was good to get together with the girls outside of work time. But an 8AM wake up is not ideal, and after getting back home, I fell back asleep to my normal wake up of about 1PM

When I'm president of the world, I'm making a law that breakfast must be available 24 hours a day.

Dad has been a lot of the focus these last few days, with his wanting to see a real fisherman's wharf. Today was Mom Day, and she wanted to see some of Seattle. Specifically the International District. I decide to take her on a little trip around town.

Back when I worked in downtown Seattle, there was this signpost near our office: "Scenic Route 4." I didn't know what that was, but after some more in the Fauntelroy area, I decided to do some research. Turns out during the 1962, Seattle created these routes for the Worlds' Fair. I found a map of the routes, but it was VERY vague and VERY hard to follow. But I did try to follow the routes and there were some good views and neat things to see, even in 2010.

I decided to take mom to a few a of them, first stopping off at this scenic overlook on Queen Anne Hill. Great views of Lake Union. We also made our way to Admiralty Point and the gardens there. But what blew the top off our day was Kerry Park.

I knew Kerry Park had a great view, and I tend to take people there, especially at night, to destroy their minds with the view. But not only did we have our view today - we got the Blue Angels. I'd completely forgotten that Seafair was going on today, and we had a great view of the planes taking off, buzzing the Space Needle and circling around to get to their SeaFair performance.

After we left, we headed to Pike Place Market. And with my folks being elderly and mobility impaired, we got a plush parking space thanks to their Handicap placard. Got some good samosas there, shopped for some groceries and saw some flowers. Sadly, mom's back began to bother her, so we moved along.

From there we visited the International District and saw some sites. Sadly, did not get out much becuase parking is expensive and she needed some back-rest. But we did get out for the Dr Rizal Park and it's great view of town.

From there, took a drive to West Seattle, specifically for another viewpoint of the town and Elliot Bay. Going home, I got all mixed up and we ended up taking the 99 Tunnel for some fun and getting lost trying to get back home.

In all, a fun day with unexpected highlights.

There are two more days with them. We're hoping for a little (light) forest road driving tomorrow (the car is not up to my usual forest driving shenanigans until I have a job where I can repair her). Monday will be packing up and a farewell dinner.

Gonna hate to see them go, but we're making plans for winter.

Also: I really need to load up those maps again and try to rebuild a scenic drive around Seattle. It's not the same as 1962, but a lot of the sites are still there, and would make a good driving route.

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