
Parentalpocalypse, Day 11: Forests

So after finding out that whale watching tickets are $150 a person, and that Fort Casey is a LONG ways away, we cancelled both these trips, leaving our itinerary completely open. I asked what they both wanted to do - and Dad wanted to see forests.

So I took them down some local forest roads. As you know, I haven't been forest road driving in over two years. After my car started acting up and the skid plate finally shredded to pieces, I did not feel safe on forest roads.

So I kept it local, I had my forest road survival kit with me, and just hoped for the best. Even though the local forest roads are far more maintained than the deep forest ones, there were a few moments I felt the road was too rough on my injured car...but as usual she made it through with flying colors.

Once I get a job - major car repair is in order.

We grabbed some burgers and came home and relaxed.

We really don't have anything scheduled tomorrow. Just relax, pack and get ready for them leaving Tuesday afternoon....

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