
Guess who (digitally) regenerated?

The Zelda avvie in Resonite was always just a placeholder until I found something better. After a friend figured out how to darken my skin, and get longer hair, I stuck with the Zelda avatar a bit longer.

I found an avvie I quite liked a few weeks ago, and downloaded it. She was a bit...curvier...than I expected...and after applying all the textures, needed to skin tone tweaks to look more like me. And Once I put the sweater on her, her figure toned down more to my liking. Still would prefer the more slender Zelda figure, though....

I need to remove the talon fingernails in Blender, but otherwise, I'm pretty happy with the new body. I'll miss the Zelda one, but that's Zelda, not me. This is closer to me. :)

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