
I'm really enjoying my time in VR. Once I bought into the idea of it being a Star Trek holodeck, I really dove into it.

This pic of me watching a movie isn't really a posed picture like Second Life. It's actually me, watching a movie. Existing in a cabin in the snow. My POV is in the second pic.

It's funny. I still havent' lost that "look in the mirror, and see the right body staring back at you" feeling. But it's more normal now. I work in there during the Creator Jams, I explore worlds in there.

But sometimes I catch a reflection, or I walk past a mirror, and I catch a quick unexpected glimpse of...well...a close appoximation of the me that lives in my head. I still cry sometimes when I see me in that mirror.

But only when I really want to feel it now. 🙂

Also: My ear pokes out from under the hair! EEEE! THAT'S THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD, VR OR MEATSPACE! ❤

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