
Last evening, I was having dinner with Lissa and Crystal and the topic of Ken Paxton's alarming public announcements about blocking mail-in ballots and trying to get lists of trans people. I mentioned "They're just trying to ligitimize corruption as how business as done in Texas," which is why they're so up front and matter of fact about it. And I got to thinking WHY would they use that kind of mindset to push their continuing corruption.

And I think it's because they're trying to create this idea in Texans heads that "We will do everything we can to save Texas from the evil bad guys." We will corrupt ourselves to make sure you're safe from the commies and socialists looking to...I dunno...make sure your kids eat.

It's the only reason I can think they'd announce this stuff so plainly out in the open, outside of "we're so safe no one can touch us."

Fun aside: I just had to go to Crystal's social media to determine WHAT Ken Paxton thing she was talking about. He's said SO many things.

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