So, instructions say 20 minutes to bake. I KNOW to ignore that, and take the bread out once the top is golden brown and the thump sounds hollowish. This was nicely done in 10 (my oven is way off kilter and is either too hot or too cold).

And it LOOKS like bread. puffed UP instead of OUT.

I did mess one thing up where I was supposed to steam the bread, so if it's a dryer than I'd like, I'll call that a genuine mistake versus "baking bread is not for you."

But it certainly is looking like I just need to ignore any times given in recipes and just go with what looks best. Which is hard when you're not taught what looks best.

I'm cutting this open when it cools down.... You might want to get an oven thermometer and check the temperature of your oven. Sometimes it can be off by a lot on the temperature it says it is.

Based on the fact that it took half as long to bake as it was supposed to, I would say your oven is probably running very hot.


@spots1000 - I do have one in there. The recipe calls to cook at 450 for 20 minutes. I set it for 425, the oven thermometer showed 450, but the oven will change pretty wildly even WHILE it cooks. So I have to check stuff constantly in there.

I need a new oven. Landlord doesn't think so.

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