
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal #1 - Appulian Broccoli Pasta

Once I go through all my cookbooks, I start looking at my online cooking shows to see what I can pull off them. I'd wanted some pasta for a while, and this looked pretty simple. And it was!

It's funny how much flavor you can pull out from just a few recipes. Some of my recipes are GIGANTIC. But this is simple, tasty and sticks to your ribs.

If you get broccoli withj a lot of stem, I'd highly suggest cutting it up into small pieces before adding to the sauce.

# Appulian Broccoli Pasta

Pasta Grammar
8.0 servings

3.0 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
7.6 ounces Italian sausages (casings removed) (crumbled)
1.0 cup white wine
1.0 tbsp tomato paste
10.0 ounces broccoli
salt (to taste)
12.0 ounces orecchiette pasta

1 - Boil the broccoli in a large pot of salted water for about 15 minutes, or until it is slightly tender but not completely cooked. 2
2 - Drain and set aside for later.
3 - Put a large pot of water on to boil for the pasta and salt it generously.
4 - Meanwhile, heat the olive oil a large pan over medium heat.
5 - Add the sausage and sauté until browned, breaking it up into a crumble as it cooks.
6 - Add the white wine and stir in the tomato paste.
7 - Reduce the heat, bring the wine to a simmer, and cook until the smell of alcohol has dissipated—about 2-3 minutes.
8 - Add the broccoli into the pan and ladle in just enough of the pasta water to get a simmer going (if the wine doesn’t already provide enough liquid).
9 - Cook the broccoli until it is very tender, then mash it into a paste with a fork. If needed, add more pasta water as necessary to maintain moisture.
10 - When the pasta water comes to a rolling boil, add the orrecciette. Boil it for 2 minutes less than the recommended “al dente” cook time.
11 - Meanwhile, salt the broccoli sauce to taste.
12 - When the pasta is cooked, transfer it into the sauce with tongs.
13 - Stir all together over medium/high heat until the pasta is al dente to your taste. Ladle in more pasta water if the sauce is too thick.
14 - Serve immediately, topped with a drizzle of olive oil.

Makes 8 servings at ~37.5g carbs per serving

Calories 327
Total Fat 13g
Total Carbohydrates 37g
Protein 8g

Normally yields 4 servings

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